Monday, April 7, 2014

The Sandy Shock and Grab

    New York's response to hurricane sandy was and still is inadequate. There are still people today living in shelters not able to work or support there families. This reminds me of a passage from blanking the beach that says "When the emergency subsided and fishing families returned to the spots where their homes once stood,they where greeted  by the police who forbade them to rebuild"(Naomi Klein 66). Now this happened, because hotel owners wanted the beaches for themselves to make more money from the tourism the beaches would bring. Are new yorkers being dragged through these long processes so that the banks can take the property from them and sell them to the highest bidders.  This is where I believe the shock and grab comes in. The shock and grab is while people are down and out due to the "shock" of  a traumatic event  they get duped out of their homes/properties. Banks or other companies buy the property extremely cheap or foreclose on it and make a substantial profit, then just shock and grab all over again during the next downfall. The shock and grab is an important idea for the text,because it is what happened the hotels toke advantage of the disaster and scooped up the prime real estate that had hoses which were in the way but after the tsunami they where gone and nothing left to stand in the corporations way. The importance of the shock and grab in regards to new york and sandy is that many home owners who lost their homes couldn't get the help or support from the banks or government to keep their homes. These people have either went into foreclosure or are struggling to keep their homes living in shelters still with no help from the government.