Sunday, March 16, 2014

The Rising Tides

Hello readers my name is Andrew  Cristea and in this post I will be writing about a new york times article.( I read the article and am writing a summery/opinion for my first Eng 101 blog assignment. The first thing the author talks about is the Bloomberg administration commissioning research on the problem that is climate change. What they did was expand wetlands to battle surging tides, installed  green roofs to dissipate rainwater and urged property owners to move boilers out of  basements that are prone to flooding. Even though the city is environmentally aware critics still insist the city is moving far too slowly and not making the right moves. One expert  Douglas Hill says instead of “planning to be flooded,” the state and federal agencies should be investing and researching ways to protect against it instead of just a solution for after it happens. Another key point in the article is the rising water level along the nyc coastline. The water levels  is rising approximately an inch a decade over the last century as oceans have warmed. Despite this the city’s plan for waterfront construction shows no signs of retreat from the shoreline. Instead , the city is  incorporating flood-protection measures into projects as they go along. The problem with this however is the billions of dollars that need to be thrown at these projects in an economy that's already struggling. One of the last key points is weather flood walls are a wise investment or are there other technologies or techniques the city can employ. Sea barriers are an option being researched , but others say that the gates could interfere with aquatic ecosystems, and may eventually fail as sea levels keep rising. Not to mention the immense cost of building them. Overall the article gives many key points that the city of new york is overlooking and not spending enough time one, but at the same time gives many points that there are good things the city is trying. In my opinion the city is moving way to slow and time is passing without the necessary actions being taken fast enough to secure the citizens in the city's safety.

The most peculiar comment on this article is from a comment-er named Asher who states "comparing New York City to New Orleans is patently ridiculous."  Through his comment he focuses only on the flood and how they will be obsolete within a few years and aren't a feasible means of protection. Asher says that " Coastal cities flood now and then. Trying to prevent it is like playing God." In my opinion this person has not experienced the tragedy that is  flooding. It can be a very saddening ordeal and can ruin lives. So to asher i say why not stop these disasters if we can. Why should we let people suffer if we can stop it ; to me that seams like a not my problem mind set.     

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