Monday, March 17, 2014

The silent killer CO2

   The chart below shows the Co2 in the atmosphere from 1958-2012. This chart shows a significant  rise in concentrated co2 in the atmosphere as time went bye and as the earth became more populous.    The graph measures the co2 in parts per million, and is measuring it over a very long period of time. The trend I notice with this graph is that as mankind progresses we are using more and more fossil fuels to sustain our everyday lives. This graph is key evidence that we alone are destroying the planet by pumping co2 into the atmosphere at a break neck pace. The more we pump into the atmosphere the more we are not only killing it but our oceans as will. The non-atmospheric co2 goes into the ocean poisoning the marine life and a large part of many city's economy's and there way of living. The major problem with this is that its warming up the oceans melting the polar ice caps in-turn making the earth even hotter, because they wont be there too reflect radiation back from the earth; more will be trapped. A major problem we face with co2 in the oceans is all the wildlife going extinct and losing a valuable commodity or resource per-say. Many towns or country's rely on beach or oceanic resort tourism, but once that industry drys up, because the oceans are so toxic people cant swim in them;it will force many people to migrate and find a new way to make a living. This will leave many places baron and overcrowd many areas causing even more pollution.                
From the book the climate casino by William nordhaus

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